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Role And Responsibilities

The President of the United States: Head of State and Government

Role and Responsibilities

The President of the United States (POTUS) is the head of state and head of government of the United States of America. The President holds executive power and is responsible for representing the nation domestically and internationally.

Head of State

As head of state, the President represents the United States in diplomatic interactions with other countries. The President is the chief diplomat and is responsible for setting foreign policy and negotiating treaties.

Head of Government

As head of government, the President leads the executive branch of the federal government. The President appoints and oversees the heads of executive departments and agencies, including the Cabinet.

Election and Term of Office

The President is indirectly elected to a four-year term via the Electoral College. The Electoral College is composed of electors chosen by each state based on its population.

Symbols of the Presidency

The President has several official symbols of office, including:

  • The Presidential Seal
  • The Presidential Flag
  • The Presidential Limousine
